Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Plant a Tree USA™ supports FEED333

FEED 333 stands for Feminine Enlightened Entrepreneurs Dedicated to the children of our world!
FEED 333 is feeding 3 million children in the USA in 33 days ... check out

Plant a Tree USA™ is creating eco-educator positions across the country to empower women into abundance by educating women to teach others about our environment. Women make money from their important eco-educator roles with which to FEED their children FOREVER.

FEED 333 is unique in that the focus is on FED children (not starving children) - yes, we are feeding children who are now hungry, but FEED 333 teaches mothers the know-how to FEED their children and their children's children forever.
FEED 333 uses a creative viral-online campaign and the focus is on the FULL, NOURISHED souls and bodies!

If you are an individual or a corporation or any entity with a pulse - you can FEED!
Join Plant a Tree USA™ and visit and become part of the FEEDing solution!

FEED 333 is run by the fairy godmother for all children who are on their way to being FED.
Thank you deeply.