A Plant a Tree USA™ Authors Save World™ "Success"!
A "green" note from a Plant a Tree USA™ Authors Save World™ "Success"!
Gina Mollicone-Long, author of The Secret of Successful Failing states:
"Now, that I am an “expert” in green printing, I will do even more on my next book. Stay tuned!!!"
Gina Mollicone-Long proudly promotes tree planting through the Authors Save World™ program and uses the Plant a Tree USA™ logo on page 201 of her book, as it says:
"Caring for the Earth is up to us...
Show you care, plant a tree!"
* Visit http://www.ginaml.com/ to sign-up for Gina Mollicone-Long's inspirational quote of the date.
* The Secret of Successful Failing is available directly from the publisher, http://www.pathfinderspublishing.com/, and at Amazon.com.
* Be sure to go to Amazon.com using the Plant a Tree USA™ direct affiliation with Amazon.com. All purchases you make through our special link directly support tree plantings, tree maintenance, education, and creating a healthy Mother Earth, with a passion!
(If for some reason, the hyperlinks above do not work for you, simply go to http://www.amazon.com/?tag=platrus-20 . Be sure to bookmark the link and use it each time you shop at Amazon to have your purchase GROW TREES!)
We thank Gina from the bottom of our tree roots for her dedication and commitment to trees.
The Plant a Tree USA™ Team ... Creating a Healthy Mother Earth, with a passion!™
http://www.plantatreeusa.com/ ... Planting 18 Billion trees and educating millions.™
http://www.authorssaveworld.com/ ... Protecting earth and inspiring writers.™
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